The Volunteer Befriender helps residents who feel isolated or unable to get out very easily on their own by giving time on a one to one basis to help a person maintain social contact, provide companionship and reduce loneliness and social isolation. Volunteer befrienders build a positive relationship with an individual and visit them on a regular basis in their own flat. This could mean spending some time with a person for an hour or two every week/fortnight, we also encourage getting out and about for a coffee or short walk. Generally, befrienders are there to chat and get to know someone, have fun. Support the person to continue with existing interests, whilst encouraging them to embark on new activities.
Volunteer duties:
• Organising visits / trips out on a regular basis.
• Support residents with their interests
• Encourage residents to embark on new activities
• Be a friend and have fun
When we need you: We expect a regular commitment from all our volunteers, once a week / fortnight / month. Monday to Sunday, Am and Pm
Experience required: No qualifications are necessary. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in working with older people, have good communication and listening skills, are reliable and willing to work as part of a team.
Minimum age: 18
Expenses paid: Yes
This opportunity is also advertised across Dumfries & Galloway.