Providing a friendly and welcoming atmosphere to patients and visitors as they enter the hospital.
Signposting, and if necessary, guiding to relevant areas/departments within the hospital.
Supporting with the implementation of COVID safety measures (wearing of masks and use of hand gel).
Maintain stock of wheelchairs; replacing once someone has finished and cleaning for next use.
This can be a difficult time for patients and visitors so having that warm and helpful welcome can make all the difference.
Quote: I attended Queen Margaret Hospital in Dunfermline. At the entrance door I was met with professionalism. The friendly meet and greeter at the door made me feel as though I was entering a top hotel.
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |
Morning |
Afternoon |
Evening |
2-3 Hours per week
2-3 Hours per week
Experience required: Good listening and communication skills. Helpful, friendly and caring manner. Maintain confidentiality. Willingness to participate in identified training necessary/relevant to the role. To be motivated in the volunteering activities undertaken. Ability to interact with the healthcare team. Ensure hand hygiene and infection control guidelines are adhered to at all times.
Travel details: Reception areas at Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline. Accessible via public transport with onsite parking also available.
Reception at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy
Minimum age: 16
Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Travel expenses will be reimbursed; public transport costs and mileage rates for use of own vehicle at 28p per mile.
Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet
This opportunity is not listed at a specific location but is advertised across Fife.