We are a national charity that works to remove barriers for deaf children and young people.
Youth Support Volunteers, including Group Supporters, are an essential part of NDCS’s events for deaf children and young people.
Volunteers assist with aspects such as:
-Support deaf children and young people to be happy and healthy at events
-Encourage and support deaf children and young people to realise their potential
-Supervise deaf children and young people and keep them safe
-Be a positive role model
-Be responsible for yourself as part of a team
-Most events are at weekends, with some events taking place in the week. The time commitment varies. We have some volunteers who help at 2-3 events each year and others who help at 1-2 events per month. We are particularly looking for volunteers who are available to help at week-long residential holidays in the summer. All help is appreciated!
All volunteers will receive support and training. We reimburse out-of-pocket expenses.
All help makes a real difference and is greatly appreciated.
For further information please contact:
email volunteer@ndcs.org.uk / switchboard 0121 234 9829 (voice and text)
We are a national charity that works to remove barriers for deaf children and young people.
The time commitment varies. We have some volunteers who help at 2-3 events each year and others who help at 1-2 events per month. All help is appreciated!
Experience required: -Previous experience with children or young people
-Good communication skills
Travel details: Events take place around the UK and volunteers need to be willing to travel outside their area.
Most of our events in Scotland are in Glasgow and Dundee-we re-imburse any travel costs incurred.
Minimum age: 16
Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: We reimburse out-of-pocket expenses, including accommodation and meals at residential holidays for deaf children and young people. Accommodation will be in shared rooms with other volunteers of the same gender.
Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet
This opportunity is not listed at a specific location.