Aberdeen in Recovery (AiR) was granted Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) charitable status in March this year. We are now looking to find talented, passionate and skilled people to fill some vacant seats on our Board of Trustees to help us grow and develop our innovative and solution focused new charity. This is a unique opportunity to help lay the foundations to ensure AiR has a long-term future as a charity with solid processes in place to ensure it meets its mission of:
“To be a bridge from ‘dependence’ to ‘independence’ for the individual seeking to recover from problematic substance use and addictive behaviours”.
This is such an exciting and invigorating prospect for individuals to get involved and be participant in the tsunami of change which is now gaining momentum and being driven by “Experts by Experience” and the vibrant Lived Experienced Communities which are blossoming, not only locally but are now established as a national phenomena.
Since its conception, AiR and its members have worked tirelessly to establish and build collaborative relationships with professional services and third sector support agencies. We have consistently driven the message that individuals who have personal lived/living experience of active substance use, including Family members who have been affected by the addictive behaviours of a loved one, and the Recovery Communities they represent have something valid, essential and extremely beneficial to bring to described Recovery Orientated Systems of Care (ROSC). We can provide existing services and clinical structural systems with resources, skills and capabilities that they, no matter how much effort, time and money they invest, will never be able to offer or provide.
So, it gives the greatest of pleasure to see this is now recognised on the highest levels that “Recoverists” can productively contribute to the design, development and delivery of truly person-centred ROSC. This being evidenced by the vision, philosophy and content of the Scottish Governments “Rights, Respect and Recovery” Drug and Alcohol Strategy.
We also believe it is reaffirmed by the recent success in being granted funding from the Government’s National Development Fund, with our principle partner Alcohol and Drugs Action (ADA), for our ‘Recovery Peer Pathway’ joint two-year project. This collaborative venture will build on three years of pilot work to further establish and build proactive and productive Developmental Pathways within ADA and their Volunteer network while in synergy with AiR membership for individuals who desire to initiate change in their behaviours and outlook as they progress on their recovery journeys within, and imperatively out-with, statutory and formal support services.
We believe that the blue sky thinking behind this project categorically and emphatically fits with the expectations, outcomes and concepts of the above Government policy.
So, if you have lived experience, or a stakeholder interest, and a passion for recovery and are willing to give of yourself that another may learn, you will not find a better opportunity to indulge your appetite than from within Aberdeen in Recovery.
For more information please contact Dermot Craig, Recovery Community Development Manager at E Mail: dermot@aberdeeninrecovery.org or tel.: 01224 638342 / Mobile: 07751 213108.
Aberdeen in Recovery (AiR) mission is ‘to be a bridge from “dependence” to “independence” for the individual seeking recovery from problematic substance use and addictive behaviours’. Our vision is a society which celebrates visible recovery and accepts its responsibility to participate by identifying solutions to the conditions in which addiction thrives.
Board meetings are held quarterly. There is need of other meetings out with the calendared four to deal with other business as it may occur. We hold our AGM in April which we encourage board trustees to attend.
Experience required: A commitment to uphold and promote AiR’s Vision, Mission and Objectives (details available on our website www.aberdeeninrecovery.org).
Travel details: Board meetings are held in Aberdeen City Centre, either at the Credo Centre where we have our business office space or at AiR Community Rooms @ Elim Church and are held quarterly. There is need of other meetings out with the calendared four to deal with other business as it may occur. We hold our AGM in April which we encourage board trustees to attend.
Minimum age: 18
Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Transport costs would be reimbursed on production of receipt.
Where appropriate reimbursement for childcare costs would be availed for a suitable candidate on production of receipt/invoice.
Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet
This opportunity is also advertised across Aberdeen.